100 Light Pink Rose Bouquet 100 Light Pink Rose Bouquet

100 Light Pink Rose Bouquet


Experience the epitome of delicate charm with our 100 Light Pink Rose Bouquet . This stunning arrangement consists of 100 carefully hand-selected, long-stemmed light pink roses, known for their breathtaking color and enchanting fragrance.

Each rose in the  100 Light Pink Rose Bouquet is a testament to elegance and sophistication. With velvety soft petals and a captivating scent, these roses are meticulously arranged to present a lush, visually striking display that exudes romance and luxury.

Perfectly arranged to create a luxurious and dense look, this bouquet stands at an impressive height and width, making it the centerpiece of any room. The soft pink color palette adds a romantic touch, ideal for special occasions or adding a bit of enchantment to everyday spaces.

Size and Flowers

  • Height : 65 cm
  • Width : 65 cm
  • Flower Type : Light Pink Roses
  • Number of Roses : 100